Price a night is $130/nightly. It is a 2bed, 2 bath luxury unit.
Near all shopping centers/stores, public near the community, a 5 min walk. Mins away from the airport and US Space Center in Huntsville, AL.
- Adults: 2
- Amenities: air-conditioning, free wi-fi, hairdryer, in-room safe, minibar, telephone
- View: ocean
- Size: 25m²
- Bed Type: twin beds
- ocean
A perfectly equipped room with breathtaking ocean views
- Adults: 2
- Amenities: air-conditioning, free wi-fi, hairdryer, in-room safe, laundry, minibar, telephone
- View: swimming pool
- Size: 30m²
- Bed Type: queen bed
- swimming pool
Price a night is $150/nightly. It is a 2bed, 2 bath luxury unit.
Near all shopping centers/stores, public near the community, a 5 min walk. Mins away from the airport and US Space Center in Huntsville, AL.
- Adults: 2
- Amenities: air-conditioning, free wi-fi, hairdryer, in-room safe, minibar, telephone
- View: ocean
- Size: 25m²
- Bed Type: 2 Bed, 2 Bath
- ocean